
High strength, injection moulded, biocompatible denture material. Bio Dentaplast was presented by bredent for the first time during the IDS 2001 in Cologne. The semi-crystalline thermoplastic material with its linear structure features outstanding material properties. The material exhibits good physical and chemical properties, such as high hardness, considerable rigidity, no stress cracking and high restoring capacity.


No metal clasps – but gingiva-colored (pink) clasps that blend with the natural teeth. Better shade stability than other flexible resins. Extremely flexible. Can be extended and relined. Plasticity is retained and embrittlement is avoided. Comfortable, resistant and durable.


The high rigidity and full restoring capacity of Bio Dentaplast allows usage of the material for a wide indication range. Classic indications recommended by bredent are:

  • Clasp free partial dentures
  • Tooth coloured clasps
  • Temporary (max. 2 years) crowns and bridges
  • Tooth-coloured occlusal appliances
  • Ideal for patients who decided to receive a removeable restoration but do not want metal clasps.